How do the new restrictions affect Underhållsmässan 2022?
The new restrictions would make it very difficult to arrange Underhållsmässan as planned in March. We have therefore decided to move Underhållsmässan, Europe´s leading Maintenance Trade Fair, to 31 May-3 June, 2022.
What happens now?
We are currently communicating to all exhibitors and visitors, advising them of the new date for Underhållsmässan 2022. We hope that as many as possible will want to join us from 31 May to 3 June 2022.
I have already registered for Underhållsmässan in March. What happens to my registration now?
We are pleased that you have registered for the 2022 edition of Underhållsmässan. We now have a new date for the fair, so we hope that you will be able to visit us then. To facilitate the handling of personal data, the current registration has been cancelled, which means you need to register again for the new dates. Apologies for any inconvenience.
How is the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Gothia Towers affected financially ?
We are clearly affected financially, but to a limited extent. It’s a pity that we need to change dates, but the health and safety of our exhibitors and visitors comes first. We have listened to the maintenance community and agree that we are creating the best conditions for Underhållsmässan with this approach.