Production For Future

- a continuation of the Smart Factories project

- a continuation of the Smart Factories project

In connection with the Swedish Maintenance Fair 2022 in Gothenburg, the project Production For Future, together with Gothenburg Teknikcollege, Research Institutes for Sweden (RISE) and Chalmers University, invites students from high schools and vocational adult, polytechnic and college courses to profit from a unique opportunity to learn more about industrial digitalisation.

Production For Future is a continuation of the Smart Factories project. With Production For Future, we are creating and disseminating knowledge about sustainability, diversity and technology. Together with about fifty companies, students from college, technical universities, polytechnics and high school have built demos in the form of mini-factories, which will be built and in use every day at the fair.

Two mini-factories will be exhibited at Underhåll 2022. In addition, experience-based workshops will be offered in, for example, smart maintenance, collaborative robot applications and 3D printing. Chalmers and RISE will have stands directly supported by their experts on site.

Read more about Production For Future »

Here is the opportunity to

  • See examples of collaboration between schools and business to secure future skills provision.
  • Experience a demonstration of a smart factory with an associated exhibition and workshops.
  • Discuss relevant issues regarding industrial digitalisation.

An initiative to disseminate knowledge and increase interest in technical studies

The project has its background in the government’s new industrialisation strategy, which was presented in January 2016. Digitalisation brings great opportunities to develop smarter and more sustainable industry, which facilitates smart workplaces where people interact with automation and create highly competitive business. The availability of the right skills is crucial to Sweden’s ability to meet increasing competition from abroad, and its ability to take advantage of the opportunities presented by digitalisation.

Registration and questions

High school student

For high school students, the 16-year age limit applies. For registration, the teacher must send in a class list, together with the names of the teachers who will be on the visit, to:

Ann-Sofi Hermansson at [email protected], tel. 031-708 81 28.

Upon arrival, high school students should gather at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre’s main entrance at Korsvägen, where the teacher will register the class at the information desk and receive visitor badges. Teachers must register as business visitors on the Underhåll website.


For mature students, polytechnics and colleges

Register and print out your visitor badge and bring it to the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre.
Get  your free admission ticket here »