Vision Zero at the Swedish Maintenance Fair: Taking action against workplace accidents

A Vision Zero arena focusing on industrial safety will have a prominent place at Underhållsmässan 2026, the Swedish Maintenance Fair.

– As one of the leading industrial fairs in the Nordic region, we feel a special responsibility in these matters, says Anders Persson, Business Manager of Underhållsmässan, which has deepened its co-operation with NSA, the Nordic Safety Association.

The cross-industry Swedish Maintenance Fair, which is held every two years, will next take place on 10-13 March 2026 at the Swedish Exhibition Centre in Gothenburg.

In parallel with the fair, free seminars for safety officers have been organised for several years in collaboration with IF Metall, Dagens Arbete, Sigtunastifelsen and the industry association NSA.

– Last year’s event was a resounding success, with more than 250 safety officers from different industries and professions in attendance. Great fun! Safety officers are key people who play a very important role in the workplace, says Joakim Stenberg, CEO of NSA – which is now entering into a deeper collaboration with the fair.

Embracing the same ambitions

The multiannual agreement will increase the focus on personal protection and security.

– We have the same ambitions as Underhållsmässan. That’s also the reason why we’re entering into this co-operation. We simply want to reach out to more people, Joakim says.

This new initiative will be reflected in both the stage programme and the exhibition:

– Especially in the new Zero Vision Arena, where many of our exhibiting member companies gather – and of course during the Safety Officer Days, Joakim adds.

Planning technology walks

The NSA has around 60 member companies that work with training and equipment for personal protection. Product groups include respiratory protection, eye and face protection, head protection, hearing protection, fall protection, protective clothing, etc.

– Our vision is to make an impact through knowledge, training and CE-approved personal protective equipment, Joakin explains.

– We are organising technology walks with the safety officers, taking them to visit our exhibitors at the fair, who each get to make a five-minute sales pitch.

Seeking to reverse worrying trends

Anders Persson is business manager at Underhållsmässan:

– In recent years, we have seen a worrying trend with far too many fatal workplace accidents in Sweden, he says.

– We want to do something about it. As one of the most important meeting places in the Nordic region for industrial safety, among other things, this issue is a natural fit for Underhållsmässan. We want to strengthen this area, both on the exhibition floor and in the stage programme.

It is in this light that the Vision Zero Arena concept should be seen.

– It is still under development. But we want to raise issues related to safety there. The aim is for it to become a regular and joint meeting place to follow up and discuss measures to reduce the number of accidents.

These initiatives are fully in line with the challenges facing the sector, Anders says:

– That is why the deeper co-operation we are now initiating with the industry association NSA is extremely important to us. Our common ambition is crystal clear: everyone should be able to return home unharmed from their working day.